Navratnas/ Navaratnas - The sacred Nine Gemstones as per Vedic texts and Indian Astrology

The Navagraha Pooja has been a very effective and time-tested Vedic ritual which can enable a person for attainment of good health, education and knowledge, huge wealth, domestic peace and prosperity, and well-rounded success and renown in life. This navagraha Pooja or worship is actually a collective worship of all nine planets of the Vedic or Hindu astrology. These nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu) are believed to control our deeds (Karmas), desires, and the results or outcomes of the same. The locations of these nine planets in the natal chart of a person, tell the whole story about the occurrence of certain happenings (failures, events, sorrows, achievements, etc.) in the present life of the person.

Description of Navagrahas

A brief description of each of the Navagrahas is given below:

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